Herbert Raab
Obere Dorfstr. 18
A-4533 Piberbach
Austria, Europe
E-Mail: astrometrica{ät}aon.at (replace '{ät}' with '@').
You can send the license fee online payment through PayPal, or as cash in a registered letter. Payment with credit cards is also possible through PayPal (no PayPal account required). Please include both your postal address as well as your e-mail address with any payment.
To see how EUR 25,-- convert in another corrency, please use the Universal Currency Converter.
Upon receiving the payment, the author of Astrometrica will send you a license key by e-mail within one week.
The license key will also be valid for any updates to Astrometrica (Version 4.x for Windows).
Please note: If you don't get your license key through e-mail within one week, please
contact me again.
(Unfortunately, a few outgoing messages have apparently gone astray, or maybe caught in some spam filter,
in the past...)
Special conditions are available for educational projects. Please contact the author at astrometrica{ät}aon.at (replace '{ät}' with '@'). for more information.